Sunday, October 29, 2006

Research Quest: Motivation

What is my motivation for my research?

Pursuing this research allows me to explore some big questions within my life in ways that have freshness and depth which may not be available through everyday reflection. This experience of iterative renewal of my inquiry with and for others, research, and practice embodies my motivation. This research, my research, sharing and informing my reflection is a way of giving my inquiry a life outside my own. Playfulness and freedom are within my being - not a place where they can live a healthly life for long.

What values and beliefs motivate me?

If I am honest, I can't avoid that behind my motivation is that a belief that my inquiry has a life that that is larger than mine. I value my thoughts and reflections enough to be shared. I value working with others (through their practice and inquiry), philosophical discourse, and being of and with research. I believe these within this place my inquiry can have a life of its own - a separateness. I value what works for learning and believe my inquiry has practical implications for the learning of others as well as my own. I believe that everybody is learning all the time - valuing others as learners means allowing them the freedom to believe this too. I value exploring playfulness as a state-of-mind which can either open or close learners to their possibilities.

Questions: (c) Pugh, R & Yaxley, B. 2005

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